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tre Open House

“It’s a Beautiful tre in the Neighborhood” Open House

 If you’re hearing Mr. Rogers singing after reading that title, you are correct. Inspired by the release of the new Mister Rogers’ movie, a local ministry center will be giving the public a warm welcome at their upcoming open houses. The public is invited to tour tre Ministries’ new location at 900 West 11th Street in Sioux Falls, site of the former Rock and Roll Academy. Open house events will be held on Sunday, December 1 from 3:00 - 5:00 pm and again on Giving Tuesday, December 3 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm. The event is free and open to the public. The building is handicap accessible and has free parking.

It’s a Beautiful tre in the Neighborhood Open House will feature a hot cocoa bar and candy buffet along with tours led by college and young adult tre ambassadors.  The tours will highlight tre’s signature ministries. It is also a fundraiser with donations of all amounts going toward the mission of tre. A $50,000 matching gift has been given by a local business.

Founder and Executive Director, Sandy Berven, is grateful, “We are committed to keeping our spaces and programming free to college students and young adults. These donations will solidify our presence here at our new location.”

Tre’s new location has created a greater opportunity for collaboration with area churches, nonprofits, and businesses. Tre’s updated website emphasizes its mission: “We are committed to creating a purposeful space intended to unlock the potential of youth and young adults spiritually, physically, socially, and academically.” Berven adds, “Our goal is to strengthen their faith and integrate them into local churches.” Churches are invited to donate to the mission and use the space for young adult programming.

Tre’s current signature ministries include a Bible Study entitled “Book Ends,” a Financial Peace University course, tre Book Club, Kick it Recovery, Relationship matters (pre-engagement counseling) and the internship program 40 days/40 nights. They will also be hosting “tre talks” featuring local adults sharing their faith stories. 

Contact for more information:  Sandy Berven (605) 366-7142,

December 2

Bookends Bible Study

December 9

Thrive Week