• tre Live Prayer Room, 6:00p | Open space for young adults to sit at the feet of Jesus and worship the Lord in whatever expressive way He calls you to. Our hope and prayer is to cultivate an environment of spending time with Jesus, and to equip young adults to step into Holy Spirit-led prayer and worship throughout their daily lives.

    Note: We will begin prayer and worship at 6:00p, and there is no set end time. Paintbrushes, paper, flags, and other resources for expressive worship and praise available.

    Young, Engaged & Married Group 6:00p | Once a month (check calendar for dates), we meet together and discuss different topics - all with the intent on supporting each other in godly marriages! New couples are always welcome! Hosted by Rachel Holien and Nate Kringstad.

  • Prayer 6:00p - 8:00p | An intentional space for young adults to come pray and be prayed for. Come and go as you need. Resources and support available.

    Men’s Group, 6:00p | Dive into scripture, talk about life and what we’re struggling with, hold each other accountable, and build friendship! New people are always welcome. Led by Spencer.

    Women’s Group, 6:00p | Gather together, listen, share, and grow in being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. This is an open group, where everyone is welcome! Led by Hannah and Kylen.

    Grief Group | more details coming soon. A space for those who have lost a parent or close connection to be heard and supported through their grief journey, so they can experience restorative healing, connection & guidance.

  • Young Adult Groups, 6:00p | A space to grow together in practical ways, to be encouraged and equipped to live a life reflecting Jesus. Check out the topic for the week here!

  • Upper20s | A space for 24-30 year olds to hang out, build friendships and community with one another! Every Saturday is different - stay up to date on our events calendar!

  • Young Adult Hangouts @ 6:00p | A time to meet and connect with other young adults! Every Thursday through the summer is different! Participate in the activity planned, or just come to hang out and meet new friends! Check out the event details here!